There are numerous ways manufacturers can extract CBD from the hemp plant. Typically, hemp is extracted using a solvent, such as alcohol, ethanol, butane, or propane, which can destabilize the extract. The most popular form by industrial extractors is CO2 (carbon dioxide), which claims to be safer than alternative solvents and easier to scale for large amounts of CBD production.
At Formula30A no herbicide, pesticide or toxins ever touch our hemp plant during our entire process from farm to final capsule. We get a clean organic hemp plant that was grown in clean Colorado Soil by artisan growers who understand cannabis. So when it came down to extraction, we needed a way that stood up to our standard of pure, clean, and simple. Formula30A hemp oil is processed using a patented water-based extraction process adapted from one first used by the Egyptians thousands of years ago. This allows us to obtain a beautifully clean full-spectrum hemp extract, with all the phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in tact.
Further studies are warranted to examine the potential long term effects of solvent-based extraction processes. However, until research indicates a safety profile showing no risk to patients from potential toxins, particularly when it comes to ingested products, we believe water is the best option.